
Estonia Launches Autonomous(Driverless) Bus

Driverless Busses Arrived Estonia

Two autonomous bus had arrived in Tallinn for inspections by Road Administration in Estonia. The busses will be carrying passengers between Viru Square and the Tallinn Creative Hub (Kultuurikatel) until the end of August
Two autonomous bus had arrived in Tallinn for inspections by Road Administration in Estonia. The busses will be carrying passengers between Viru Square and the Tallinn Creative Hub (Kultuurikatel) until the end of August as reported by ERR.
Image By Err

The vehicles costs up to €100,000, which two third of it was covered by private sector Valdek Laur, adviser to the Estonian presidency of the EU Council on digital solutions, also supported by Guardtime, Tallink, Microsoft Eesti, and the city of Tallinn.

The busses has a capacity of 8 passengers including one person to be identified as driver with a valid driver's license. 

The vehicles have been on the road for three days and two threats are reported, 1. The driverless buses did not yield to a police car with its lights flashing when crossing the intersection at Mere Avenue, despite the Traffic Act requiring vehicles to yield in such situations. 2. One of the buses ignored a pedestrian green light and drove through the crosswalk, surprising pedestrians.

Image By Err 

The autonomous busses are launched as part of Estonia's EU presidency.

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